The Call
February, 2025
A Message from the Rector
Dear Friends in Christ,
I want to thank each of you for the warm welcome you’ve extended to Zach and me over this past month as I’ve settled into this new role. It’s been a joy getting to know you better and witnessing the vitality of our shared life, as well as the love and connection you have for one another. I look forward to continuing this journey together, beginning with the Installation Eucharist this Sunday. I’m grateful that Bishop Bruce will join us, along with friends from across the diocese, to honor the wonderful ministry here and pray for our future.
It feels fitting that our “Renewal of Ministry” falls on the Feast of the Presentation, when we remember that Jesus, in the words of the aged Simeon, is “a light to enlighten the nations.” This occasion invites us to reflect on how we, too, might share that light—a light that shines in our hearts and is evident in this community, and one that the world desperately needs. I hope you will join us for this special moment, as we celebrate the rich history of this church and look with hope toward the future.
As I mentioned at last weekend’s annual meeting, my main priority for the year ahead is to get to know each of you—your stories, hopes, dreams, anxieties, and fears—and for you to get to know me. So, please be in touch and let’s set up a time to get together. (You can put a meeting on my calendar by following this link!)
Don’t hesitate to reach out any time there is a need or concern or you have something on your heart. It’s what I’m here for.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. David
On Sunday, January 12, your vestry met after church.
Cyndi circulated year-end results for 2024. We ended the year with a smaller deficit than anticipated. We have received several additional pledges for 2025 but the total is below last year’s pledges.
Fr. David now has access to the office computer and can also post to our Facebook page. He’s already started making pastoral visits and has more scheduled.
We voted to adopt the Diocesan Safe Church Policy, which strongly recommends on-line training for members in most positions as well as anyone having a key to the church or the church house. See Cyndi if you need to sign up.
There will be a presentation on Planned Giving on Sunday, March 23.
Walker Adams, Director of Recruitment and Admission at the University of the south, has volunteered to help with a planning session with the vestry, most likely after Easter. He has deep roots in this area and also led a session with the bishop Search Committee last year.
The next vestry meeting will be a morning workshop on Saturday, February 15.
Minutes from the December meeting are at this link.
Dates to Remember in February and March
February 2: Fr. David’s Installation as Rector, 4 PM. Note that there will be no service at 10:30 AM.
February 21: God and Guinness at Conroy’s
March 23: Presentation on Planned Giving.
March 31: Red Cross Blood Drive.
Do You Have Furniture You Don’t Need?
We’d like to make the end of the narthex opposite the door to the corridors an inviting space for people to sit and relax before or after the service. We could use a couch, a few chairs and maybe a table or two.
If you’re redecorating or downsizing and would like to donate items, please let a member of the clergy or the vestry know.

“Pay off Principal” Has an Impact!
Under some reasonable assumptions (depends on the interest rate and term of the new loan) every $10,000 we pay against the mortgage now can reduce our future monthly payments by about $100.
This is an ongoing effort to encourage year-round awareness of stewardship as one way to give from what God has given us. Please take an envelope home so you can add donations to the offertory plate when you’re moved to do so. No amount is too small!
Planned Giving Reminder: Members of our leadership frequently receive material on Planned Giving and sometimes attend educational sessions. We were surprised and blessed when Arni, our former Business Manager, left us her house in her will and the proceeds have provided a nice financial cushion, which is being kept partly in cash and mostly in CDs yielding over 5% annually. This is a relatively small congregation and people don’t update estate documents frequently, but if you are in the process and wish to discuss planned giving, QCDs, donation of appreciated stock or any other non-cash forms of donation, please talk to Dave Pierson, Chair of the Finance Committee, Cyndi Troyer, our Treasurer, or Regina Berens.
The Diocesan Planned Giving Officer will be presenting information on this subject after the service on March 23.
The New Spirit is published every two weeks. Read the latest issue here.
The Bishop issued a statement on Inauguration Day urging us to hold to our baptismal promises. Text is available at this link.
If you wish to help the people affected by the California fires, the Bishop, whose home is in California, recommends that you contribute to the One Body, One Spirit appeal in the Diocese of Los Angeles, which does not carry the heavy expense load of the Presiding Bishops Fund. More information is available here.
On-Line Training
If you’re involved in any ministry at St. Mary Magdalene (and most of you are!), the Diocese strongly recommends the “Safe Churches, Safe Communities” series of online modules. Each can be covered in 15 minutes or less. Everyone- Chalice Ministers, Lay Readers, Acolytes, Vestry members, people with a key to the church, Sunday School teachers, etc.- needs to be educated on risks and risk mitigation to keep God’s people safe.
If you haven’t started these courses, contact Cyndi, and she’ll set up an account for you.
Women‘s Book Club
There will be no meeting in January. No book has been selected for February.

Daughters of the King
Members of our chapter of Daughters of the King helped serve dinner for the second time at Heart-n-Hand in Belton.
Daughters of the King meets the third Sunday of the month in Education Room right after church. If you’re interested, please contact Cyndi Troyer.
God and Guinness Night at Conroy’s:
February 21
Please join us for a fun gathering of fellowship, drinks, and food.
Contact Karen Hauswald for questions or information.
KC for Refugees Needs Household Items
A few years ago we opened up the basement of the House of Grace to KC for Refugees, an organization that provides support for newly-arrived refugees from war-torn countries. They’re in need of all the basic necessities. Here’s their most recent communication:
We need your help! Our Welcome Closet is nearly out of all supplies! We need lots of help to replenish our storehouse for the refugees arriving weekly to the KC Metro area!
Needed donations include: Towels, blankets, small kitchen appliances (rice cookers, electric tea pots, pressure cookers, etc), dishes, silverware, pots and pans (the bigger the better), diapers, sheets (twin and queen size) and hygiene and cleaning kits, diapers, maxi pads, socks and underwear for children and adults.
Our Amazon wishlist is available for easy donation! All items purchased are delivered to a KC for Refugees volunteer who delivers to our Welcome Closet.
Amazon Wish List Link
Or donations are always welcome in person! All donations should be new, or very gently used with lots of life left in them. They can be dropped off at the lower level of the House of Grace on Thursdays from 9-11am, or brought to church.
Thank you so much for your help! We cannot do this great work without your help and support!!!
Heart-n-Hand Ministries
Heart-N-Hand Ministries, right here in Belton, serves the homeless as well as others just needing a hand up. At their website,, there is always a current list of donated items they are seeking.
Heart-N-Hand would also appreciate volunteers to assist in their Thrift Store, Monday-Saturday; the store hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For for more information, please contact Alexis Butterfield, Executive Director, at 816-322-1133 or 417-551-2470. Her e-mail is
Here’s the latest list of items they need most. Donations can be left in the Narthex.
Canned meals like Chili, Ravioli, Spaghetti-O’s, stew (pop top preferred)
Pancake Mix Eggs
Pork & beans Crackers
Refried beans Ready to eat Soup
Spaghetti sauce White rice
Boxed mashed potatoes Baking goods: Flour, Sugar, cooking oil
Peanut Butter Grape Jelly
Canned chicken, ham, or pork Canned fruit
Condiments Powdered milk
Fresh produce Meat ( ground beef, ground turkey)
Lunch meats Cheese
Juice Dressing
Baby wipes Dish soap
Toilet paper Paper towels
Household cleaning products Shampoo and conditioner
Tampons and pads Kleenex
Here is a link to items you can order from Amazon
Help Save Lives with Your Donation!
At our drive on January 23 we collected 11 units of blood- this is a slow time for year for blood banks although the need for blood products never stops! Please donate if you can.
Our next drive will be on Monday, March 31 from 2 to 6 PM. All donors will get a free A1c test on their donated blood. This is an important measure of diabetes risk.
Single Mom KC needs clothing for women and children and full-size toiletries. They can be left in the bin marked for SingleMom KC in the narthex.