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First Time?

Visiting a church for the first time can be full of the unexpected and unknown. We understand. And we welcome you!

At St. Mary Magdalene we want to be hospitable to you (and your family!), and welcome you into our fellowship and worship. Below is some information that will help.

Sunday Morning Schedule

Bible Study (Lectio Divina) @ 9;15 am

Youth Sunday School @ 10:30 am

Sunday Worship (Holy Eucharist) @ 10:30 am

Coffee /Fellowship after the service.

Dress Code

Dress as you feel comfortable. Come as you are. This is not a fashion show. We have an open atmosphere of dress that includes those who dress up a bit, those who wear comfortable casuals, and those who are comfortable in shorts and sandals. What is important is that you bring your real life and enter into our fellowship and worship. Come, join us!

Worship Style

Our worship style is a vibrant blend of the historic and the new. All worship is guided by an easy to follow bulletin printed for each week’s services. All the prayers, songs and responses are included for your ease of use. There is no “small library” of Prayer Books, hymnals and chorus books to fumble through. We’ve prepared for you and your family to join us!


St. Mary Magdalene seeks to create a welcoming, fun, and safe environment for children and their parents to encourage spiritual growth.

Children are absolutely vital to the life of our church and we incorporate them into our worship as early as possible. Passing our life of faith on to the next generation is a key priority of St. Mary Magdalene. We invite you to bring your entire family to join us! We love the sound of Children in worship so don’t worry if they make a bit of noise.

We also have a room at the back of the church, equipped with seating and toys, and a sound feed from the service so that you can be a part of the service while still having some privacy if you need it.


We celebrate Holy Communion each Sunday morning. All Baptized Christians (including children) are welcome to receive Holy Communion at St. Mary Magdalene. Jesus Christ is the host at God’s Table, and he is a gracious and welcoming Lord. If you hunger and thirst for the things of God, come to the Table, for there we receive true spiritual food and drink.

If you are not baptized or prefer not to receive for any reason, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing! If you are interested in following Jesus’ call to be baptized or just want to learn more about what we believe or what it means to be a Christian, please get in touch with a member of the clergy.


St. Mary Magdalene is located just south of the Village of Loch Lloyd entrance.

16808 Holmes Road
Belton, MO  64012

Map from Google: