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The Call

January, 2024


 A Message from Fr. Larry



A New Year


I must confess. I am not a big New Year’s Eve person. If you are, more power to you. In spite of that, I am fascinated with the wide variety of customs that have become part of New Year’s Eve.

In Italy, I have been told that it is the custom to throw out the everyday dishes and replace them with new. In many Asian cultures, it is the custom to light firecrackers or fire guns to frighten off demons and the forces of darkness. It is also the custom in some Asian cultures to eat long noodles on New Year’s Day to assure a long life. In Spain, people attempt to eat 12 grapes during the 12 strokes of the clock as they chime at midnight. Many European cultures have the tradition of ringing church bells at midnight to welcome in the New Year. In Scotland, people have huge bonfires to confront the darkness. They also exchange coal, shortbread, and silverware to assure good luck. In America, we have some regional New Year’s Eve customs – like the Southern tradition of eating black – eyed peas and pork for good fortune. Many of us watch the ball drop in New York’s Times Square on New Year’s Eve and kiss the person at midnight you hope to keep on kissing into the future. In addition, many of us make New Year’s resolutions.

Can you identify the common theme of these traditions across cultures? Dispel the bad, evil, or non-life-giving elements of life and hope for the positive, life-giving aspects of life.

In that spirit – what do you and I want to let go of that is holding us back from being ‘fully alive’ (which is God’s dream for each of us) and what do you want to enhance your life to truly reflect God’s love in all that you and I do?

My prayer and hope is that each of us, by God’s grace, may know what to let go of and what to embrace in our lives in this coming New Year to be fully alive in God’s love. That is not only the source of joy for us, but also the source of joy for our Loving God.


Larry Ehren+

On December 18, your vestry met and discussed the following:

  • Cyndi is preparing a Draft budget for 2024, which will be discussed by the Finance Committee and then referred to the vestry.  If you haven’t submitted a pledge for 2024, please prayerfully consider it; we can budget with more confidence when we have your faithful promises.

  • Regina met with Fr. Chas Marks, the Diocesan Transition Officer, to discuss next steps in calling a new priest after Fr. Larry retires in early June.  He will be meeting with the full vestry at a date to be determined in January.  The Annual Meeting will likely take place in late January as usual and we will provide an update on the process.

    Minutes of the November vestry meeting are at this link.


Pay off Principal- now over $21,000!


If you’ve ever been moved by the Spirit to show your appreciation for a special blessing God has given you- an anniversary, a landmark birthday, the birth of a grandchild- the envelopes in the Narthex are for you.  We’ve launched a “Pay off Principal” drive to reduce our mortgage balance.  We’ve already collected over $21,000 and just paid that to the bank.  Given the likelihood that interest rates will rise before we have to refinance in a couple of years, your gifts will have an even bigger impact.

This will be an ongoing effort to encourage year-round awareness of stewardship as one way to give from what God has given us.  Please take an envelope home so you can add donations to the offertory plate when you’re moved to do so.  No amount is too small!



Update on our Priest Transition

As most of you know, Fr. Larry has announced his upcoming retirement.  His last service with us will be Sunday, June 2, 2024.

This advance notice will allow us more time than congregations usually have to determine our priorities, develop an on-line profile and work with the Diocese to identify and candidates while we still have a priest in place.

The vestry will be meeting with Fr. Chas Marks, the Diocesan Transition Officer, on January 10 to discuss next steps.

Although we there will be aspects of the search which will need to remain confidential, we will supply you with updates when they’re available.


The Bishop Search:

Let us know what YOU think, in person or on-line


The first of the “Listening Tours” was held December 17 at Trinity Church. Lebanon.  These meetings will give everyone in the Diocese a chance to talk about their dreams and concerns fo rtheir churches and the Diocese and what they see as priorities for the next Bishop.  Locations were chosen so that no one would have to drive more than an hour to attend one.  A full list is available at this link.

Note that some sessions are via Zoom; the first of these is Saturday, January 6 from 9 to 11 AM.  Registration is required for Zoom sessions using the link above.

There will be two in-person meetings in our area:  Redeemer in Kansas City on Thursday, January 18, 7-9 PM and St. Peter and All Saints, Saturday, January 27, 10-noon.


We on the Search Committee are committed to communicating what we can while maintaining necessary confidentiality.  The Bishop Search page of the Diocesan Web site will be updated weekly.

Please pray for us during this challenging and important process.




A detailed description of the process, potential time line and the work of the three Committees involved (Search, Transition and Consecration) in the selection of the new Bishop is here.

The New Spirit is published every two weeks. Read the latest issue here.

On-Line Training:  We Especially Need a Sunday School Team!

If you’re involved in any kind of ministry at St. Mary Magdalene (and most of you are!), the Diocese strongly recommends the “Safe Churches, Safe Communities” series of on-line modules. Each can be covered in 15 minutes or less.  Everyone- Chalice Ministers, Lay Readers, Acolytes, Vestry members, people with a key to the church, Sunday School teachers, etc.- needs to be educated on risks and risk mitigation to keep God’s people safe.

As we think about how to attract young families, having Sunday School is key.  For this effort in particular, we need a team of people who can be “on call” if there are children in the congregation who want to be in Sunday School.  You won’t be put on a schedule but if you’re in church and there are kids in Sunday school you’d be asked if you can serve.  All you need to do to prepare is to go over the readings in the Bulletin and lead a discussion on one.  There are plenty of supplies in the classroom for recreation and crafts afterwards!  We require two adults for Sunday School so you’ll have help.  Please let the clergy or any vestry member know if you’re interested.


If you haven’t started these courses, contact Cyndi and she’ll set up an account for you.

Women‘s Book Club



At the January 8th meeting (2nd Monday due to the New Year’s holiday) we will discuss “A Very Typical Family” by Sierra Godfrey.


The meeting will be held at the home of Susan Petrakos (13204 Jefferson Ct., Kansas City, MO 64145



Daughters of the King 

 Members of our chapter of Daughters of the King helped serve the annual Holiday Dinner at Heart-n-Hand in Belton.Lunch

Daughters of the King meets the third Sunday of the month in Education Room right after church.  If you’re interested, please contact Cyndi Troyer.

God and Guinness January 19

God and Guinness Night at Conroy’s


Please join us for a fun gathering of fellowship, drinks, and food.

Contact Rich Koch 913-707-0148 or for questions or information.

KC for Refugees

A few years ago we opened up the basement of the House of Grace to KC for Refugees, an organization that provides support for newly-arrived refugees from war-torn countries.   They’re in need of all the basic necessities.  You can help by filling a reusable bag with supplies shown below and placing them on the table by the Family Rest Room in the narthex.



Heart-n-Hand Ministries


Heart-N-Hand Ministries, right here in Belton, serves the homeless as well as others just needing a hand up. At their website,, there is always a current list of donated items they are seeking.

Heart-N-Hand would also appreciate volunteers to assist in their Thrift Store, Monday-Saturday; the store hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

For for more information, please contact Alexis Butterfield, Executive Director, at 816-322-1133 or 417-551-2470. Her e-mail is

Here’s the latest list of items they need most.   Donations can be left in the Narthex.

New tax information: Missouri residents who donate money to a food bank can claim a 50% credit on their Missouri taxes for their donations.  They must get Form MO-FPT from the organization.  Heart n Hand makes it easy; if you donate through their web site you can request it when you make your donation.


 Lunch Box

Canned meals like Chili, Ravioli, Spaghetti-O’s, stew (pop top preferred)

Pancake Mix                                        Eggs

Pork & beans                                       Crackers

Refried beans                                      Ready to eat Soup

Spaghetti sauce                                   White rice

Boxed mashed potatoes                      Baking goods: Flour, Sugar, cooking oil

Peanut Butter                                       Grape Jelly

Canned chicken, ham, or pork             Canned fruit

Condiments                                          Powdered milk

Fresh produce                                      Meat ( ground beef, ground turkey)

Lunch meats                                         Cheese

Juice                                                     Dressing

Baby wipes                                           Dish soap

Toilet paper                                           Paper towels

Household cleaning products               Shampoo and conditioner

Tampons and pads                               Kleenex

       Here is a link to items you can order from Amazon

We collected 21 units of blood at our September 7 Drive!

Our Next Blood Drive will be Thursday, January 25.

We still need plastic bags to make mats for the homeless. If you’d like to learn how to crochet them, contact Regina at

Single Moms KC needs clothing for women and children and full-size toiletries.


Missouri Puppy Mill Rescue needs bleach and Lysol multi-surface cleaner.



The Call

We are still looking for another person to create The Call every other month (alternating with Regina). It can be done gradually as you get announcements of events, etc. Many other items are provided by others and you just have to incorporate them with some pretty straightforward “drag-and- drop” software. Please let Regina know if you are interested.


We need someone to take over co-ordination of church events — the earlier, the better so Denise can show you how it works. Please contact her if this interests you.

More About Us

St. Mary Magdalene offers in-person Sunday Worship at 10:30 a.m. We are also live streaming the service for those who prefer to join us from home, on our YouTube channel at this link.


If you have a family illness or a personal concern, please contact the church office at 816-331-2222 and leave a voicemail.

We miss you when you cannot participate in church, and we want to know when one of our members can be comforted from a pastoral visit, being added to our prayer list, or by receiving communion at home.

If you have a family illness or a personal concern, please contact the church office at 816-331-2222 and leave a voicemail.


St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church | 16808 Holmes Rd., Belton, MO 64012

(816) 331-2222 |