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June, 2024 Vestry Minutes


June 23, 2024

Attendees: Steve Hirtzel, Paul Patrick, Rich Koch, Cyndi Troyer, Regina Berens, Susan Petrakos, Karen Hauswald, and Jane Brucker

Steve Hirtzel called the meeting to order at 11:45AM, and opened with a prayer.

The minutes of the May 23, 2024 minutes were approved

Financial Report:

There were no questions about the financials. Cyndi was concerned by the income statement, which shows a negative, and hopes the pledges will soon catch up. We have received a large donation from a past parishioner; she and the finance committee will discuss depositing the check towards the principal. Fr. Larry will be paid for the one day he worked in the new pay period. Regina will follow up on request for a reduction in the apportionments. We do need to do an asset inventory. Insurance company suggested taking pictures of all our property and open all doors. Next July, July 2025, we are up for refinancing.

On-Site Events:

Montessori Pre-school: Father Larry sent letter about his retirement. Steve will follow up confirming we are interested, but the timing is not good.

Deanery Meeting – Held at SMM 6/8/24, there were about 20 people, and went well.

Master Gardner Meeting was help June 13 , was well attended and a success.

We are looking at getting a grant for a new sign. Steve is looking into a new sign. Issue is not being able to see driving from the south. We will table the sign issue.

Clergy Search Committee Progress Report:

They are working on putting a church profile. Cyndi is pulling financial details together. Karen Hansen is doing a great job heading the group and keeping them on task. There was a discussion about offering the House of Grace as a rectory. Some of the issues include where would we relocate the church offices, renovations, etc. We also need to review what salary offerings would be. There is a chart put out by the diocese. The vestry agreed we need at least a half-time priest.

Supply Priests booked through August. Regina, Scott, and Brock will be preaching to offset some of the costs.

Continuing Business:

The mower has been repaired. We are working to get rid of the groundhog family. We are using the live trap and relocating.

The cleaning person is not performing as well as expected. Regina will remind her that her of her responsibility to clean floors and horizonal surfaces. We still need the weekly crew to clean bathrooms and touch ups. It was suggested that there would be a monthly schedule. There should be an overall schedule of who does what when. Regina will discuss it further with the cleaning committee and develop specifics. She is to do the tasks listed on the page in the Sexton’s closet.

New Business:

Steve and Paul met with Fr. Larry before he left. They were given a copy of his exit interview with Bishop Diane. They will forward copies to the Vestry.

As Steve mentioned, the parishioners are very active and do more than just attend church.

Shut-in Visits – We are working to get the necessary diversity training class which is offered only twice a year.

Heart-n-Hand – A donation in the amount of $500 will be made for their back-to-school fund raiser. They are also requesting non-perishables for their food pantry. We will put a box in the narthex to collect. The garden harvest will be in addition. We have completed our lettuce harvest and Sarah has planted tomatoes and beans.

Cyndi will mention the POP (pay off the principal), which will help when it comes to refinancing.

The name tags have been approved, and we are doing a Google form with a QR code.

Karen made the observation that we don’t have handicap parking signs. We will look into them.

The next Vestry Meeting will be in August 11th after church.

Paul closed the meeting with a prayer and the meeting was adjourned at 1:10 PM.