Vestry Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Steve Hirtzel, Regina Berens, Paul Patrick, Karen Hauswald, Kim Gerhardt, Cyndi Troyer, Fr. David Wilcox, Jane Brucker, and Don Gerhardt.
The meeting was called to order, with an opening prayer, by Steve Hirtzel, at 12:00.
Building and Grounds: Don provided detail on some of the upcoming expenses: Exterminator contract renewal, the need for a reversing valve, a fire inspection, and USB batteries for our alarm. All of the expenses will be covered by our budget. There was also an ice dam from the recent storm which caused a leak in the hall. This repair should be covered by our roof warranty.
December Meeting Minutes: The minutes were approved with the attendee revision to include Cyndi Troyer.
Financial Update: Cyndi reviewed December’s financials and presented the budget for 2025. Though the budget for 2025 shows a deficit, it is not uncommon and the renegotiation of the mortgage could impact that amount. Fr. David and the finance committee will be meeting with the diocese to see if they might take over the mortgage, charge a 5% interest rate, and eliminate our having to renegotiate the mortgage every few years.
Priest Report: Fr. David has visited with several members who have not been able to attend church. He has reached out to visitors and set up “office hours”. He requested approval of the Resolution for Clergy Housing Allowance, which was approved and signed. Safe Church training was discussed as it must be completed by all who have a key to the church as well as Vestry members. It has to be renewed every three years. Cyndi can provide the link and information for those needing to complete these modules.
Continuing Business: KC for Refugees has returned the signed contract for 2025. Cyndi provided the company providing the plowing service with a revised map to remind them NOT to block their access behind the House of Grace.
The Parish meeting will be January 26th. We will request volunteers for the open Vestry term (to fill Rich’s term), and Delegates the Convention meetings, as these need to be approved by a voted at the parish meeting. The meeting has a Sign-Up Genius which Denise has sent out. She will provide grilled chicken and rolls. Sides and deserts will be provided by the attendees. Steve will work with Regina on a power point presentation.
Our Christmas service, which was at 4PM had about 50 in attendance. The timing will be discussed again to determine if the early service worked better than a later one. Steve has also talked with Rebecca about doing a Cantata.
Fr. David’s installation will be Sunday, February 2nd at 4pm. There will be no service in the morning. The afternoon service is to accommodate Bishop Diane’s schedule.
February Vestry Meeting: Our next Vestry meeting will be our Vestry Retreat. It will be Saturday, February 15th from 9 to 12 at the House of Grace. Fr. David will also look at scheduling a meeting with Walker Adams. This will probably be after Easter.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:15 with a closing prayer by Fr. David.