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Sunday Morning Fellowship

Life as we live it today is fast paced and on the move. We live, work, shop and have fun in many different places and often with many different groups of people. Yet, relationships fostered in community are important to our lives.

Here at St. Mary Magdalene one way we intentionally share fellowship together is at a “coffee hour” that occurs directly after our Sunday morning worship service. There is more than coffee to drink…and it doesn’t always last an hour.  The important thing is that we stop, take a breather, and share a few moments of conversation and life with one another in community.

The shared life that is enjoyed during this time is full of joy and exuberance. Truly, putting lunch off for a few minutes is worth the sense of connection and community for those who stay for this fellowship.

You (and your family) are invited to join in!

Families with children often stay as their children play together. This is a wonderful time for the children to also share community fun and relaxation.

This time of fellowship is open to all!

We welcome you to join in the conversation!

Fellowship Events

Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed. Come join the party!

Eating awesome BBQ, listening to great music and enjoying a party, going to a baseball game, or just getting together to play some games at the church, here at St. Mary Magdalene, we share and enjoy each others’ company.

We welcome you to join in fellowship as we enjoy and take pleasure in life together!

  • Music Events: Come and enjoy a quality of music unparalleled in the Kansas City Metro. We frequently host musical performances in our church because of its amazing acoustics.
  • God and Guinness: We meet monthy at a local pub for a fun evening.

Our Camp

The beautiful camp on our grounds is St. Mary Magdalene’s response to both local and Church inquiries about small groups using our grounds for camping. It will offer a small group outdoor weekend experience to local scouting, youth, and church groups at little or no cost. It was dedicated on June 21, 2017.  This link shows pictures from the dedication.

Early dawns and dusks often find Black tail deer coming out of the nearby woods to graze on the new grass. Or a lone coyote jaunts across the Church’s parking lot. An occasional wild turkey skirts the Church’s land.

Numerous birds come to visit. The croak of frogs in the pond is a frequent chorus heard throughout the evening. Cattails richly lace the pond’s edge, providing regular habitat where red-winged blackbirds sing their song. Plans for paths through our woods are in the works, that will provide momentary “get aways” from the busy world, for a quiet walk, a clue to what other creatures may share the world with you, or just a chance for a quiet thought or reflection, a quick prayer perhaps.

Our spaces can also offer some exercise, with the conversion of a shed pad into a small basketball area, so young campers can put together a fun game.

On a more serious side, the Church’s labyrinth offers a quiet place to reflect on scouting laws and values, or personal prayer and meditation, as campers can walk this ancient path of spiritual enlightenment.

Amenities to support campers include water, electricity, toilet facilities, a supply of donated firewood, an indoor shelter if sudden foul weather arises, and convenient parking to the camp site.  To help cover the costs of the porta-potty rental a suggested donation of $125/day will defray costs.

Pastoral Care

One encyclopedia’s definition of Pastoral Care is “a term applied where Christians offer help and caring to others in their church or wider community. Pastoral care can be listening, supporting, encouraging and befriending.”

Too often we think of pastoral care as just visiting the home bound or the ill and infirm. We regularly visit folks in nursing facilities, in hospitals or in their homes. We sometimes fail to realize that everyone is in need of pastoral care at one time or another.

When you feel the need for prayer, let our Rector know and they’ll be glad to spend time with you; together seeking God’s presence and grace to meet your situation.

As loving and caring Christians, we should all keep our “antennae” out to sense the need for pastoral care in others. We encourage and invite you to notify the church office when you or a member of your family is hospitalized, rehabbing at home or in a facility, or just in need of some pastoral conversation. Please contact the church office by email at, the rector at or by phone at 816-331-2222.

The Remembrance Garden

The Graden provides a place of peace and focus for loving remembrance and prayer.  It is a beautiful place of peace, not only for for those who may come to walk the labyrinth or who may come to remember departed loved ones, but also for anoyone in search of a place to reflect and pray.

  • The Labyrinth: The labyrinth is an ancient symbol that relates to wholeness and is a metaphor for our spiritual journey.  The Labyrinth can be used in many ways–for meditation, reflection, prayer, centering, healing, and simply enjoyment.
  • The Columbarium: The columbaruim is a consecrated structure within the Remembrance Garden containing niches for the placement of beloved ones’ cremated remains.
  • Granite Engraved Memorial Blocks: The Memorial Blocks honor those in our lives who showed us the way–spiritual friends, pastors, godparents, grandparents, family members and others. The blocks are permanent markers, reflecting the impact they made on our lives.

Donate to St. Mary Magdalene to help us grow in our ministry and outreach.