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Vestry Meeting Minutes

August 11, 2024

The meeting was called to order at 11:50 and opened with the reading of the Collect of the day.

Attendees: Steve Hirtzel, Paul Patrick, Karen Hauswald, Cyndi Troyer, Regina Berens, Susan Petrakos, Kim Gerhardt, and Jane Brucker

The meeting minutes for June 23rd, 2024 were approved.

Financial Report: Cyndi presented the financial reports, and there were no questions. The diocesan audit was held on July 25, 2024 – there were no problems and we “passed”. There is a CD which will need to be renewed, and we will request the Finance Committee review our options.

Clergy Search Committee: Bishop Diane and Fr. Chas will be meeting with the Vestry and the Search Committee on Wednesday, August 14th. The Church Profile is very close to being complete so it can be posted.

On-Site Events:

Visit with Bishop Diane and Fr. Chas – 8/14/24 – meet and tour the House of Grace

Belton High School Band use of Camp 8/16/24 – 6:30 – 9 pm – This even was cancelled

Fr. David Wilcox, Youth Missioner for Diocese – September 15th he will preach and after the service will meet with the congregation.

Supply Priest:

Steve has the priests scheduled for the next month and will continue to keep them scheduled out for a month.

Continuing Business:

Window replacement – the front 2 windows have been replaced. A request for a grant to supplement the generous gift to replace the windows in the hallway by the kitchen has been submitted.

Cleaning Update – We have three cleaners and Olivia who clean the church. There needs to be a specific list of expectations provided to Olivia so she knows what is expected and can let us know if our expectations are realistic.

Church Directory – Brock has sent the QR code so it can be printed in the bulletin for everyone to update their contact information.

New Business:

Secret request from Emily Davenport for each church to provide a “group” picture – we will do this at the church picnic in October.

Brock will have a Deacon Intern “shadowing” him the end of August and September.

Blessing Bags – Steve will talk with Denise.

Handicap Parking – Paul will use a metal fence stake to post the sign so it can be easily moved when mowing.

The sign out front – there is a need landscaping by the sign, and the sign should be updated. This will be deferred to a later date.

All thermostats are now Wi-Fi and can be programmed remotely.

Next Vestry Meeting – Sunday, September 22.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:50 and closed with a prayer.