At the Annual Meeting on January 26, we will be electing one vestry member. The vestry meets monthly, typically after a Sunday service and generally ending before 1:30 PM. An initial longer meeting is planned for February; this year it will be Saturday, February 15 from 9 to noon.
Qualifications and Classifications: Members of the Vestry shall normally be Lay Adult Members Communicants in Good Standing who shall be sixteen years of age or older; shall have contributed regularly by subscription or otherwise to the support of the Church for at least six months immediately prior to the meeting at which he or she is elected, and; shall be conscientiously attached to the doctrine, discipline and worship of the Church.
We will also be electing two Lay Convention Delegates. Typically Convention is held Friday evening and most of Saturday the first weekend in November. They are generally held at the Cathedral in Kansas City but the date and location for next year have not yet been set. Reimbursements for expenses in attending Convention are available.
You will also be expected to attend Diocesan Deanery Meetings, held approximately every two months, where local lay and clergy delegates discuss activities and concerns in their churches and Diocesan officers make presentations on issues that will eventually be brought up and resolved at Convention.
Qualifications: Lay Delegates shall be Lay Adult Communicants in Good Standing who have been Members of the Parish for at least one year and have been confirmed, and are not candidates for Holy Orders.