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Attendees: Steve Hirtzel, Paul Patrick, Karen Hauswald, Cyndi Troyer, Kim Gerhardt, Regina Berens, Rich Koch, Susan Petrakos, and Jane Brucker. Karen Hansen attended or part of the meeting in her capacity as Search Committee Chair.

The meeting was called to order at 12:00 with an opening prayer.

Search Committee Report: Karen Hansen provided letters of introduction and resumes of three candidates who had been interviewed by the Search Committee. These candidates will be interviewed by the vestry with the goal to complete the interview process by Thanksgiving. One of the candidates will have to be flown in for the interview. The funds to pay for this will come from what we have saved from not having a priest. A calendar will be set up for the vestry members to note days they are not available so the three interviews can be scheduled.

Meeting Minutes Approval: The meeting minutes for the October 13th Vestry meeting were approved.

Financial Update: Cyndi asked that any significant budget items be presented so they can be included on the budget. The new budget is being put together and all budget items should be submitted.

On-site Events: The Scout troop camped at our location yesterday evening.

Continuing Business:

Building and Grounds -The fire extinguishers have been replaced so we are now in compliance. The other windows are to be installed about 11/20.

Pledge Campaign– The QR code can be used for people to enter their pledge. Envelopes were mailed out as well.

Directory – The rough draft was emailed to all contributors for review and corrections.

Youth Retreat Update – Fr. David Wilcox said they would like to do a weekend retreat March 28 – 31, Friday through Sunday. The attendees would join us on Sunday. He said he would finalize plans after the convention and registration will be opened in January. They would like volunteers from the church if anyone is interested.

Amy & Max McCrabb – they have reached out for help, and we agree they should be directed to Heart N Hand as we support their outreach.

New Business:

Music – Steve is talking with Rebecca about the possibility of holding a Christmas program next year.

December Events –

December 1st – Greening of the Church

December 7th – Santa’s Visit

December 24th – Christmas Eve service with Rev. Mark McGuire

December Vestry Meeting: December 8th (second Sunday of the month)

The meeting was adjourned after the closing prayer at 1:15