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Local and International Outreach

We actively partner with several organizations serving the local community as well as a mission in Haiti. Our forms of support include monetary donations but also volunteer work by a large percentage of our parishioners and enthusiastic resp0onses to requests for donations of needed items.


KC For Refugees

The lower floor of the church house is used by KC For Refugees to store a large variety of household and personal items that new immigrants need.

The Single Mom KC

The Single Mom KC is a faith-based organization that helps single mothers through workshops on trauma healing and personal finance, and provides household and personal goods for those in need. Church members volunteer at their boutique, where mothers can obtain wardrobes appropriate for work at no cost. They also help them find other community resources and get back on their feet with jobs.

Heart n Hand

Heart n Hand, based in Belton, serves the poor and the homeless in the area. Church members volunteer there, Daughters of the King occasionally serve meals for the community and we collect needed items throughout the year.

Maison de Naissance

We support Maison de Naissance. a birthing home in Haiti, through annual Mother's Day collections and also through the heavy involvement of one of our parishioners, who makes regular visits to Haiti, accompanied by medical professionals and other volunteers.

Community Garden

The area of land behind the church house was equipped with raised beds in the Spring of 2024 and they're now providing healthy fresh produce to the clients of Heart n Hand.

Thanks to members of KC Master Gardeners who are helping our parishioners with this essential work!

In 2024 we’ll be re-starting the Community Garden behind the church house to grow fresh produce for Heart n Hand’s food kitchen.

Donate to St. Mary Magdalene to help us grow in our ministry and outreach.