The Call
March, 2025
A Message from the Rector
Dear Friends in Christ,
As we approach the holy season of Lent, I find myself grateful for the wisdom of the Prayer Book and its rhythms of feasting and fasting, prayer and repentance. In a world that moves quickly, constantly seeking more—more possessions, more wealth, more power, more prestige—where our desires and their fulfillment seem to be all that matter, I appreciate this yearly reminder that this is not how things should be. Each Lent, we are reminded that we are not our own, that we cannot save ourselves, and that everything we are and have comes from God. We are called to renew our faith and repentance, to live simple lives, and to be at peace with one another. For in the end, we will all return to dust and stand before our merciful Redeemer and Judge on the last day.
Popular culture often portrays this time as one of misery, where we are meant to hate life. However, the Prayer Book invites us to prepare “with joy” for Easter. So, as we enter this season of joyful preparation, I encourage you to slow down and reflect on how and where you need this reminder in your life this Lent. What practices will help you renew your faith and repentance?
I hope this season will provide you an opportunity to reconnect with your faith and deepen your relationship with Jesus. I pray that this holy time will bring refreshment and renewal to your spiritual life, and that you will join us as we make this journey together, beginning with our Ash Wednesday service on March 5th at 7 p.m.
Yours in Christ,
Fr. David
On Saturday, February 15, your vestry met for an extended morning meeting.
There were 88 people at Fr. David’s installation. Photos from the celebration can be found here.
We also held a wedding on February 14, attended by 55 people, which Fr. David and Denise managed to pull together on less than a month’s notice.
We are working with the Diocese to explore alternatives for refinancing our mortgage, which has to be renegotiated later this year. We hope to have more updates to share with you soon on that.
Fr. David discussed additional plans for Lent, including private confessions and a Wednesday evening study via Google Meet. Details are available at this link.
He will also be attending a program on “Welcoming the Stranger” hosted by Episcopal Migration Ministries to learn how we can faithfully and effectively support immigrants, refugees, and those seeking safety and belonging in our community.
The next vestry meeting will be on Sunday, March 9.
Minutes from the January meeting are at this link.
Dates to Remember in March and April
March 15: Garden Work Day, 10 AM- Noon
March 23: Presentation on Planned Giving after the service.
March 31: Red Cross Blood Drive.
You can view the current version of our Calendar any time at this link or by Selecting “Calendar” from the drop-down menu under News and Events at the top of our web page.
On Sunday, March 2, the last Sunday before Ash Wednesday, we will have a Mardi-Gras-themed coffee hour after the service.
On Tuesday, March 4, Private Confession will be available in the Church from 6-7 pm.
Our Ash Wednesday service will be on March 5 at 7 PM.
We will observe the 3 days of the Easter Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday and the Great Easter Vigil) April 17, 18 and 19 with services at 7 PM each night.
Our Easter service will be at 10:30 AM April 20.
We need your Help Outside!
Thanks to Sarah Hirtzel and the Master Gardeners she’s recruited, the Garden behind the House of Grace produced generous quantities of fresh produce for the people helped by Heart n Hand last year. They’ll be having a work day to prepare and plant the raised beds on Saturday morning, March 15, from 10 AM to noon.
We also need members for our Mowing Team. It may be hard to imagine now but the grass will start growing soon. We have a state-of-the-art riding mower. Contact Steve or Don if you’d like to help.
A volunteer parishioner maintains the plantings at the front door and in front of the sign by the road, which make our property so welcoming to visitors and people who pass by. We’re establishing a fund to buy flowers and other plantings. If you’d like to donate, please designate any amount you put in the collection as a donation to the landscaping fund.

“Pay off Principal” Has an Impact!
Under some reasonable assumptions (depends on the interest rate and term of the new loan) every $10,000 we pay against the mortgage now can reduce our future monthly payments by about $100.
This is an ongoing effort to encourage year-round awareness of stewardship as one way to give from what God has given us. Please take an envelope home so you can add donations to the offertory plate when you’re moved to do so. No amount is too small!
Planned Giving Reminder: Members of our leadership frequently receive material on Planned Giving and sometimes attend educational sessions.
This is a relatively small congregation and people don’t update estate documents frequently, but if you are in the process and wish to discuss planned giving, Qualified Charitable Distributions, CDs, donation of appreciated stock or any other non-cash forms of donation, please talk to Dave Pierson, Chair of the Finance Committee, Cyndi Troyer, our Treasurer, or Regina Berens.
The Diocesan Planned Giving Officer will be presenting information on this subject after the service on March 23.
The New Spirit is published every two weeks. Read the latest issue here.
Regina participated in the joint meeting of Diocesan Council and the Standing Committee in Joplin February 7/8. We were joined by Bishop-Elect Amy Dafleur Meaux (shown next to Bishop Diane), who is working with Bishop Diane on the transition.
There was a focus on congregational vitality (both as a diocese and in individual churches). Bishop-Elect Amy has attended an intensive program at the College for Congregational Vitality in Olympia, Washington, and has used it to lead the parishes where she’s served and the Cathedral where she most recently served as Dean. She discussed the Life Cycle Model, which enables congregations that may be approaching stagnation or decline to begin a renewal process.
On-Line Training
If you’re involved in any ministry at St. Mary Magdalene (and most of you are!), the Diocese strongly recommends the “Safe Churches, Safe Communities” series of online modules. Each can be covered in 15 minutes or less. Everyone- Chalice Ministers, Lay Readers, Acolytes, Vestry members, people with a key to the church, Sunday School teachers, etc.- needs to be educated on risks and risk mitigation to keep God’s people safe.
If you haven’t started these courses, contact Cyndi, and she’ll set up an account for you.
Women‘s Book Club

Daughters of the King – Volunteer opportunities
On Thursday, March 13th, Daughters will provide and serve lunch to the homeless at Heart-n-Hand right here in Belton. Volunteer opportunities include meal contributions and/or helping set up and serve at Heart-n-Hand during the day on Thursday. Approximately 100 people are fed. Please text Linda Wallace, 816-520-2342, if you are interested or need more information.
On Monday March 31st, Daughters will provide and serve dinner to the staff and visitors of Hospice House on Wornall Road in Kansas City, MO. Volunteer opportunities include meal contributions (which can be dropped off the Sunday before at St. Mary’s) and/or helping set up and serve at the House on Monday evening. 20-30 people are fed. Please call Kim Gerhart, 913-515-7599, if you are interested or need more information.
Daughters of the King meets the third Sunday of the month in Education Room right after church. If you’re interested, please contact Cyndi Troyer.
God and Guinness Night at Conroy’s:
March 21
Please join us for a fun gathering of fellowship, drinks, and food.
Contact Karen Hauswald for questions or information.
KC for Refugees Needs Household Items
A few years ago we opened up the basement of the House of Grace to KC for Refugees, an organization that provides support for newly-arrived refugees from war-torn countries. They’re in need of all the basic necessities. Here’s their most recent communication:
We need your help! Our Welcome Closet is nearly out of all supplies! We need lots of help to replenish our storehouse for the refugees arriving weekly to the KC Metro area!
Needed donations include: Towels, blankets, small kitchen appliances (rice cookers, electric tea pots, pressure cookers, etc), dishes, silverware, pots and pans (the bigger the better), diapers, sheets (twin and queen size) and hygiene and cleaning kits, diapers, maxi pads, socks and underwear for children and adults.
Our Amazon wishlist is available for easy donation! All items purchased are delivered to a KC for Refugees volunteer who delivers to our Welcome Closet.
Amazon Wish List Link
Or donations are always welcome in person! All donations should be new, or very gently used with lots of life left in them. They can be dropped off at the lower level of the House of Grace on Thursdays from 9-11am, or brought to church.
Thank you so much for your help! We cannot do this great work without your help and support!!!
Heart-n-Hand Ministries
Heart-N-Hand Ministries, right here in Belton, serves the homeless as well as others just needing a hand up. At their website,, there is always a current list of donated items they are seeking.
Heart-N-Hand would also appreciate volunteers to assist in their Thrift Store, Monday-Saturday; the store hours are from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For for more information, please contact Alexis Butterfield, Executive Director, at 816-322-1133 or 417-551-2470. Her e-mail is
Here’s the latest list of items they need most. Donations can be left in the Narthex.
Canned meals like Chili, Ravioli, Spaghetti-O’s, stew (pop top preferred)
Pancake Mix Eggs
Pork & beans Crackers
Refried beans Ready to eat Soup
Spaghetti sauce White rice
Boxed mashed potatoes Baking goods: Flour, Sugar, cooking oil
Peanut Butter Grape Jelly
Canned chicken, ham, or pork Canned fruit
Condiments Powdered milk
Fresh produce Meat ( ground beef, ground turkey)
Lunch meats Cheese
Juice Dressing
Baby wipes Dish soap
Toilet paper Paper towels
Household cleaning products Shampoo and conditioner
Tampons and pads Kleenex
Here is a link to items you can order from Amazon
Help Save Lives with Your Donation!